Thursday, August 27, 2009

First Few Days

During these first few days, students have been learning about me, about each other, and about how the school and my classroom will run. They've reviewed the RATTLE rules (you should test them and see if they can recite what each letter stands for). By the end of the week they will have been to a "Code of Conduct" assembly explaining some of the basics of what we expect for their behavior.

We also talked a little about the class description, the calendar, and the letters that are all linked to this page on the left.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Hello parents and students!

I'm very excited to start a new year of school. The first week or so of class will be spent talking about the Utah Behavior Initiative and classroom procedures. Then we get to start doing the fun stuff - doing science!

I hope you'll all come to Back to School night on Thursday, Aug. 27 starting at 6:00pm in the auditorium. I would love the opportunity to meet one-on-one with you and your parents (and I know your other teachers would like to meet you too). I'm in room G106.

I hope you find this blog useful. I will put weekly updates here so that parents can see what we're studying and for students to know what to study for the Rise and Stretch Quizzes. Linked to this page is a calendar of events and useful documents for your reference.

Please feel free to use the comments section for each post for questions or comments (good or bad). Or you may wish to email me at

Thank you in advance for a great school year!

Katie Groneman