Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Oct 4-8: Reality Town & Star Life Cycle

Students had the opportunity to participate in Reality Town this Tuesday. They were given job options based on their collective GPA from 7th and 8th grade (kids with a 4.0 had unlimited options where kids with a 1.0 could only choose from a much smaller selection). They had to use their monthly wages to pay bills, buy groceries, etc. Hopefully it was a good experience for them on what the "real world" is like.

In science though, we're learning about the star cycle.

Monday - We did a brief chemistry review that hopefully will be helpful to students when we start talking about nuclear fusion... in stars... not bombs.
Tuesday - Reality Town!!! We also did a brief review of graphing. They were assigned graphing homework, but most students got it done in class. If not, then it is due Friday.
Wednesday - We did a post reality town survey and then talked about the star cycle.
Thursday - Finish star cycle notes...
Friday - Graphing homework due. Finish and grade work. Start You're a Star Project.

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