Thursday, September 10, 2009

Grading Notebooks

This week I started grading notebooks for my 9th grade classes. You will soon be seeing the scores on Skyward for everything that we've done up to Labor Day. It wasn't long, but there was a surprising amount of work done! Most students who received scores lower than the maximum simply did not finish the assignment and left parts blank. Others have zeros for things that I know they did, but that are not in the notebook in the correct place (it will take me a million years to grade everyone's notebooks if I have to go searching through them for each document). This is easily remideed however, they just need to put it in the right place and have me recheck it for full points. This disorganization is by no means all their fault - it's been hard to get as many documents as I would like printed and hole punched (never buy a three-hole punch from Wal-mart). I'll try to do better - and I'm sure they will too. Thanks!

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