Saturday, September 12, 2009

Sept 14-18 : Cosmology Theories & Doppler Effect

This week we will be finishing our work on the different theories surrounding the formation of the universe and the technologies used to study it. Students have been researching different theories about the beginning of the universe, ancient ideas about how the solar system was organized, and the technological advancements that have helped mankind to better understand space. The students are working with a partner (or in some cases, a few partners) to research their topic and to create a presentation for the rest of the class. On Monday this week students will be creating their poster for presentation and then they will present during class on Tuesday and Wednesday.

***Students, please remember to look at the table on the back of the presentation assignment sheet to see how you will be graded***

At the end of the week we will do a lab on the Doppler Effect which is a needed preliminary activity to looking at star spectra and to understanding the evidence for the Big Bang Theory (not the TV show... apparently there's a TV show with that name... although I haven't seen it, I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with how the universe began).

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